guess i have to start somewhere...i've read blogs, made comments/reviews/opinions on myspace/facebook/ i guess it's time to try my hand at blogging.. now if i can just figure out what to say <g> of course, it being 0240 tuesday morning, my brain is not at it's best..
first let me give brief mention of my household dynamics..there's me, the kids, 1 dog, (soon 1 puppy, either to keep or sell, more on that at a later date) and 5 (yep, count 'em *5*) cats... currently, we're stuck staying with my wonderful mother who (i'm sure) by now is coming very close to regretting her offer of hospitality :)
i have a house of my own on the other side of town, but due to a minor (loads of sarcasm here) glitch with the water, i haven't been able to move my crew in yet...hopefully soon, tho..
well, this will have to be enough for cracking the egg for the first time in this format, getting kind of, sleep sweet and dream well cyber spacers!