Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Worldreader: Vote for #worldreader to win the American Giving Awards 2012

Worldreader gives children in the developing world access to digital books. Using e readers loaded with thousands of local and international e-books, they provide children the books they want and need, so they can improve their lives

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Green Mountain Coffee & Fair Trade Certification

I've had a chance recently to try Green Mountain Coffee thanks to BzzAgent, which is a Fair Trade Certified coffee. The coffee itself was wonderful, comes in all different flavors and may well become a staple here. Grace Potter & Michael Franti, musicians, went to Columbia & Sumatra, respectively, to see how the Fair Trade coffee farmers actually worked and how Fair Trade worked for them. As they say: "Great coffee, Good vibes, Pass it on!" Fair Trade Certified certainly gives it a boost in my opinion, too. Because Fair Trade Certification on the coffee means some pretty wonderful things like: *Fair trade works hard to help farmers get a fair price for their beans. *It helps to improve working conditions. *It assists with protecting the environment. *It supports communities by helping to build schools, roads and health clinics and provide safer drinking water. Put fantastic coffee with a fantastic program and you have a nearly irristable combination.